Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Project Glass, by Google (X)

Google (X), which is Google's long-term projects division, has come up with the beginnings of a product that could change the way people experience music, art, and commerce.

It's called augmented reality. Smart phones are already doing it to some extent, but project glass takes it many steps further.

Google is utilizing glasses with digital displays in the lenses, that "paint a picture" over top whatever it is you're looking at in real life.

There's no telling exactly when Project: Glass will be available to the public, but now at least we know Google's intentions of integrating technology even deeper into our everyday life.

I've attached a video below from Google's YouTube page, which shows some of the functionality that Project Glass will have:


1 comment:

Candy said...

Wow! This is so exciting - wish I had the technological know how to be involved.