Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Advocate for the Artist

I was so happy to see another webinar that could be used in the fine arts/museum environment! I feel that this major focuses so much on performing arts that sometimes we forget that the museum world is out there. I am a fine arts advocate and artist so I felt that I benefited greatly from the presentation. I was unaware of this software and I think it is going to be very beneficial for me in the future now that I am somewhat familiar with Masterpiece Manager.
I thought that Masterpiece Manager was an interesting organization especially because they represent individual artists as well as organizations through CRM, email and points of sale. I couldn’t believe that they do not take any cuts or commissions. From an artists’ standpoint I thought this would be very helpful in promotion and organizational self-employed environment. I think that if an artist would use Masterpiece Manager, sales would increase and the individual would be able to be more exact in terms of pricing and inventory. I especially liked the marketplace and thought that this feature served as another aspect of marketing for the artist or organization.
As an artist I think that if I were to create a business and sell my work I would use this software and it would increase my sales and brand. I really like how their marketing tools include lists that are very dynamic allows integration between other software such as Quickbooks and Excel. I think a lot of organizations use these interfaces for record keeping and that integration is definitely a plus.

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