Monday, March 5, 2012

Social Media Strategy

I came across two blogposts regarding social media this week that may be of interest to anyone evaluating their social media strategy as part of their overall marketing strategy.

First, from M+R Research Labs, there is Meghan Yarbrough's "Five Things You Must Do on Social Media!" Yarbrough breaks down the five simple things that lead to success in terms of social media strategy.  While basic, each aspect speaks to success not only in social media but in any donor / patron marketing and communication strategy: 1. be personal and authentic, 2. try (and test! test! test!), 3. it all depends on your audience, 4. customize the link preview title and description on Facebook, and 5. create a plan.

Second, speaking of Facebook, is "How A Small Nonprofit Effectively Used Facebook Ads" from Beth Kanter's "The Networked Nonprofit" blog. In this post, Kanter provides the case study of the AXIS Dance Company, a midsized California nonprofit. Facebook ads may not (yet) be on the radar of most nonprofits but Kanter makes the case for considering such ads as part of an organization's media strategy. I also find that Kanter's post dovetails nicely with Yarbrough's points to test what works (and doesn't).


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