Tuesday, March 27, 2012

NGA Sharing Art Online

National Gallery of Art opens collections online

I found this article online over the weekend and have mixed feelings about it. The National Gallery of Art has over 20,000 of its pieces available as images online for the public to view and share. Online galleries are great because people get busy and hopping online to quickly see some of the art available at your local (or miles away) museum is convenient. Sharing art online is also wonderful because it allows people to show friends and family some of the things they love and hopefully inspire them to go see the art in person. 

However, some people may forget or just not understand the power of seeing a great piece of art in person. Then you end up with an audience relying on the ease of which they can catch the latest exhibit online and claim they have seen it to their friends. I know that is an extreme point of view, but everyday we get new things put in front of us that make our lives easier or things more accessible. I'm not complaining, but I hope this use of technology is more of an inspiration for people to go visit and support museums and not an excuse to not go. 


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