Friday, March 2, 2012

I couldn’t post this fast enough! 

Yikes, I found this article alarming for two reasons.

First, in this article, they state, “four out of five online users will click away if a video stalls while loading.”  Many small arts organizations cannot afford to have a minor issue like speed deter future patrons from exploring what your organization has to offer. Depending on your arts organization, you may rely on posting multiple videos and images on your site, and even see this as the optimum method to get people interesting in your upcoming show, but how can we get people to relax and wait for them to load?

All of the software we have previewed so far has highlighted their ability to link to your organizations website. This may be via seat selection options, links to social networks, or payment facilitation.  While we add these bells and whistles, are we slowing down our sites and ultimately testing our patron’s patience?

More alarming to me is that if we can't get people to sit still long enough for our images to load, how can we expect them to sit through a performance?

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