Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Search Engine Optimization

How does an arts organization get found on the web? The same way a non-arts business does, through a google (or other) search. Even an organization that has a following needs to be concerned about being found on the web. After all, it doesn't matter how great your website is if no one comes by to see it! Search Engine Optimization is something everyone needs to be thinking about since the internet is the way everyone looks for things. So how do you make sure you are found? You need to optimize your site. This includes finding out what keywords people are using to find you and making sure those are the words you're using on your site, getting inbound links to your site, having unique title tags on your pages, and many other things.

Alexa.com is a company that can perform a site audit for you. You can either buy a monthly subscription or a one time analysis for $199. It will actually analyze your site and give you suggestions for improvement. It's alot like google analytics, which is free, but goes beyond the analytics to actual website usability reports and recommendations on how to increase your search traffic. Even better than an online (anonymous) audit is a consulting company like Marketade.com. Marketade consultants can either teach you how to do some things for yourself, or do it for you. They will take the time to understand your company and what you do, and tailor the optimization to your specific needs. It's more expensive than a one time analysis from Alexa, but much more comprehensive and valuable in the long run.

Arts organizations cannot afford to ignore the importance of this technology. Search Engine Optimization works needs to be a marketing priority so they don't get lost on the web.

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