Monday, March 19, 2012

QR codes in AMGT
This article discusses the use of QR codes and QRPedia in terms of museums. It is a very accessible tool because the code will direct the user's phone to the wiki site in the language that their phone is programmed in, breaking down that language barrier. This tool helps to reach out to the younger, more technologically savvy visitors to the museums by tying in the use of their electronic devices to more fully connect to the exhibits. Overall this makes a lot of information about exhibits much more accessible without overpowering people who just want the basic information that is displayed in the museum. The museum it was first used in reported over 3,300 scans in the first six months, which I see as very positive. The museum owners made it clear that it is important to have large, easy to read and understand directions on how to scan the code and use the system. Overall I see this as a very positive crossover between technology and the arts. 

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