Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ownership of Twitter followers

As arts organizations incorporate social media into a standard job function, new and unresolved issues are bound to arise.  This was an interesting article regarding the ownership of Twitter followers.   I found the issue of ownership to be particularly interesting because my first reaction was-of course the followers belong to the company; he was tweeting on behalf of the organization, therefore his work product belongs to the organization.  Yet the more I thought about it, I wondered where you draw the line between personal friends who may have been following the tweets versus individuals reading purely as a result of following the organization, or people who like a person's writing style and personal view on issues, which they would naturally want to follow regardless of the organization being tweeted about.  The case law that will result from the outcome of this issue will be important for all arts organizations to pay attention to.  Hopefully, arts organizations will proactively update their personnel operating manuals, as well as any contract verbiage that may not have this area covered. 


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