Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CRM Revamp?

Raiser's Edge is one of the power houses in the CRM world, but it seems that the program may have it's limitations as well.

The Great Ormond Street Hospital of London has been using Raiser's Edge for over 10 years to handle they fundraising programming.  In the past 5 years, the donation levels they have achieved have doubled. However, even after years of success, the organization is considering whether it is time to move on to a different program.  According to Head of Operations, Liz Essex, it is "a good strong work horse", but the organization still seems some limitations in it.

One of the main concerns is that Raiser's Edge has not moved into the Cloud, and does not allow the level of remote work that is necessary for the efforts of such a large operation.  This limitation is one that many large institutions would likely have. One of the questions I had, and something I would see as another limitation, is how easy it is for multiple people to use the program, and how would they be able to track who has done what.

It will be interesting to see what decision Great Ormond makes and how Raiser's Edge will respond to meet the demands and limitations set forth.


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