Monday, February 20, 2012

OvationTix vs Patron

As I began to watch the webinar for Patron, I was surprised to find how many similarities there are between it and OvationTix. In my head, I kept making the connections between the two systems. They are both web based programs that end up getting incorporated into each venues individual site. Both systems seating chart system and functionality seemed pretty comparable as well. One of the main functions that I appreciated over Ovation was chatter. While Ovation did have a way to manage task delegation, it was not quite as streamlined as chatter is. I believe that any system that provides as much communication as possible between coworkers in one place is preferable. On the other hand, I would say that I prefer the customer profile on Ovation better than on Patron. I feel that not only is it more detailed, but the interface is more accessible for the company.

I went on a search to try and find some other opinions on the two systems, and happened upon multiple different sites with listings of all major ticketing systems. I was absolutely shocked at the vast number of different systems available for use by venues. I would be overwhelmed in choices, so I am glad I had the opportunity to get an inside look at these two systems so that I know what I like and don't like in my ticketing system.

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