Saturday, April 2, 2011

MoMA Digitizes Audience Responses

Recently the Museum of Modern Art [MoMA] asked its visitors to share stories of their visits. The museum provided small sheets of paper with the incomplete phrase “I went to the MoMA and…” and blank space below. At the bottom of the sheet were lines for the visitor’s first name, hometown, the date and the time. The MoMA then scanned and digitized hundreds of the responses, posting them on wall on their website. [Click here to view the wall.]

This is an example of one of the most basic forms of audience participation combined easily and effectively with technology. By posting audience responses in their original form on its website, the museum makes public the breadth of its audience and the commonalities between them. The project is also a way to highlight the diversity of the museum’s collection while allowing the viewer to serve as the messenger.

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