Thursday, March 3, 2011

Opera Filmed In 3D: It Could Redefine The Art

The title above was used as the subject line for my RSS Feed - and I think it might be a little too wide-eyed. "Redefine"? I doubt it. I think everyone can agree, whether you're a huge fan of Opera or not, that nothing will ever beat a live performance. But for those many who find the artform inaccesible due to the cost of a ticket, filmed versions have been the only way to see a perfromance of "Carmen" and others. I can see the die-hard fans scoffing at the idea of a Hollywood "gimmick" being applied to Opera, but it's not for them. It's also not the right approach to attract new audience members, either. If you've decided Opera is not for you, I don't think 3-D is going to change that. For those people who may only get a chance to see filmed versions, this is a way of hinting at the larger experience.

I'll be interested to see whether this take off or flops. It seems to benefit only a small group of people. You be the judge.

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