Wednesday, February 24, 2010

There's An App for That!

I found this article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy about non profits creating iPhone apps for their organizations. Theaters, aquariums, and civic groups have built apps that range in features such as updates on events to blowing out "virtual candles" through the American Cancer Society.

The problem some non profits face in creating iPhone apps is the cost. The cost to develop an app can run about $12,000, and some groups have been able to get those services donated. Some tech firms are beginning to design applications that can be sold to groups by subscription and customized for each organization.

Reaching out to iPhone users is attractive to many non profits because statistically, iPhone users tend to have high levels of education and high income levels, the type of profile many organizations look for in potential donors.

I thought this article was very interesting, to see how the "app craze" is becoming a useful tool in the non profit world for communication and engaging their stakeholders in what the organization does.

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