Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You Tube Your Way to Broadway!

Everyone knows that you can find just about anything on YouTube; Soldiers dancing to Lady GaGa, clips from your favorite TV show, old commercials, and of course; people singing (well or poorly) their favorite Pop, R&B, Country or Broadway songs.
Well, Broadway has recently found a way to integrate YouTube into productions.
Two shoes, Everyday Rapture and Sondheim on Sondheim, feature scenes inspired by or clips from You Tube.
Sondheim on Sondheim features a YouTube montage of different people singing Send in the Clowns.
Everyday Rapture has a scene where the star interacts with a fan she discovered on YouTube lip syncing to one of her songs. The scene tries to translate the interactions by having the actor playing the fan in a "computer screen".
The article facilitated a great discussion on using internet media or representations of it in productions and what this could mean to Broadway theater.

Will there be whole shows that revolve around the internet and more multi media production in mainstream theatre works? Multi media elements are common in dance and experimental thatre, and it seems that there could be more of it used in larger productions. Could this be the new way Broadway finds its talent, similar to how music and TV industry find talent through YouTube and MySpace,will producers and directors look to YouTube to find their next star?

Theater Talkback: YouTube on Broadway

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