Thursday, April 26, 2012

The O

I just read a fascinating article about the MONA museum in Tasmania, Australia.  They no longer have any wall labels or signs to guide visitors.  Instead they have a mobile device to get all the information they need about the museum (maps, cafe hours, etc) as well as the art work.  In addition, patrons can view the curatorial information in different styles; in a formal style or with personal comments by the museum's owner.   The O also lets people interact with the art by leaving comments, sharing it on Facebook or Tweeting about it.  Visitors can save the O tours and retrieve them in 3D the next day on the museum's website.  80% of the visitors to the museum who used the O stated that it enhanced their experience. 
Not only is this device great for visitors, it is FANTASTIC for the staff!  They can easily see what the visitors commented on the most, visited the most, liked the most, etc.  This is the kind of technology that will bring younger people in, which is what museums and other arts organizations desperately need!

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