Thursday, April 7, 2011

Artsteps: Creating Personal, Virtual Galleries

As stated on its website: It [Artsteps] is an application for artists, art organizations and art enthusiasts to model actual or virtual exhibitions by designing realistic 3-dimensional room complexes. Virtual exhibitions may include 2-dimensional artifacts (e.g. paintings, photos and posters), 3-dimensional artifacts (e.g. sculptures or small installations) and streaming videos.

Unlike the Google Art Project, which only allows audiences to view existing spaces, Artsteps is a tool that allows audiences to actually create their own spaces and feature personal or existing artwork. This tool is ideal for smaller galleries and museums as well as artists who wish to get edge up on the presentation of their work. Presenting works of art in a 3-D platform, closer to the way they are experienced in real life, is much different than looking at artwork flat on a computer screen. Growing in popularity and improving in their implementation, 3-D galleries rather than photo slideshows could the future trend.

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